
Worcester Bowling Club


Club Address

Wood Terrace Off Sansome Walk Worcester WR1 1NY

Phone Number

07938 925284

Club Personnel

Colin hemming President
Rob Stanley Vice President
Dugald Holloway Club Captain
Claire Smith Club Secretary

E: [email protected]

Robert Hanks Fixture Secretary

T: 01905 428708 \ 07831 278320

E: [email protected]

Rob Stanley Treasurer
Men's Champion 2024

Club Bio

The present Club was preceded by the Arboretum Club who were known to have played in Wood Terrace that formed part of The Arboretum Pleasure Gardens that closed in 1866. Records show that hardly had the pleasure gardens closed when five members purchased land which now forms some part of the existing premises. By the time that the conveyances were signed a new green was laid, and opened on Monday April 22nd, 1867, by A.C. Sherriff, one of the city’s MP’s. Like all greens at that time, it was termed ‘open’. Certainly, the Wood Terrace Club bowled all over the green with two woods and a large, biased jack. Ball boys were paid the princely sum of 1d by each player, to collect the woods between ends.
In 1893, the Club entered stage two of its career when it changed its name to become Worcester Bowling Club Ltd and purchased a further 415 square yards on the western side of the present green.
In 1899 the Club built a pavilion and further land was purchased. This building was opened on July 27th, 1899, and demolished in 1994 when the current pavilion was constructed. Among many artefacts that the Club still treasure is the original ceremonial door key, which is on display for all to admire to this day.
The Club moved into the 20th Century with little change until 1922 when a group of bowlers from Scotland moved to Worcester to work for Sentinel Products based at Bromyard Road. These bowlers played level green bowls with unbiased jack; the game having been played in Scotland for some time. This led Albert Mutlow, the Club Secretary, in 1930 to consult with the Sentinel bowlers to revolutionize the game of bowls in South Worcestershire, and in 1927 the club levelled the green, and formed banks and ditches.
The claim of being the first club in Worcestershire to play the rink game on a level green has never been challenged.
From that time the Club has never looked back and joined the EBA through Herefordshire in 1928. The EBA visited the Club on May 16th, 1929 “To give impetus to the rink game as compared with crown green”. It was Albert Mutlow who sounded out six local clubs as to the formation of the Worcestershire Bowling Association, and this was duly set up.
In 1949 the Club purchased the freehold of the premises and green through Mr. Walter Jones who latterly passed the deeds to the Club, a gesture for which the Club will always be grateful. From then on, the Club has always been known as Worcester Bowling Club.
During 1969 the club purchased further ground on which the new pavilion built in 1994, now stands and subsequently extended the green to what you see today.
Looking down the list of members over the years, the Club has provided innumerable Presidents and Officials, together with international representatives and not least EBA Presidents.

Year Founded1867
Approved Shirt ColourWhite Polo, Club Badge, Black Collar, Red and Black Stripes over right shoulder and left side of shirt